Checklist : Drainage Area Map

This checklist for Drainage Area Map specifies information that must be included in this drawing for a particular residential or industrial facility drainage system.

SrCheck ItemDone
1Existing contours clearly shown for entire drainage basin, both onsite and offsite. Aerial topography or similar is acceptable for offsite areas.
2Drainage areas and sub areas delineated and labeled.
3Flow arrows for surface drainage shown.
4Existing and proposed storm lines shown.
5Inlet designation labels shown.
6Detention pond shown and labeled.
7Drainage easements shown and labeled.
8Zoning indicated for all offsite areas and/or land use assumptions specified.
9Rational Method Peak Runoff Rate Computation Table shown (Q=KCIA).
10Time of concentration and weighted runoff coefficient calculations shown as needed.
11List the total site impervious area (Sq.Feet. of all paving, roof areas, etc.) – Commercial Projects.
12Erosion Hazard Setback, FEMA 100-yr floodplain, and Fully Developed 100-yr floodplain delineated.