Batching of Cement Concrete

Batching of Concrete
It is the process of measuring concrete mix ingredients either by volume or by mass and introducing them into the mixture. Traditionally batching is done by volume but most specifications require that batching be done by mass rather than volume. Percentage of accuracy for measurement of concrete materials is as follows:

When the quantity of cement to be batched exceeds 30% of scale capacity, the measuring accuracy should be within 1% of required mass. If measuring quantity is less than 30% i.e. for smaller batches then the measuring accuracy should be within 4% of the required quantity.

If the measurement is more than 30% of the scale capacity then the measuring accuracy should be within 1%. If measurement is less than 30% then the measuring accuracy should be within less than 3%.

Water is measured in volumetric quantity as 1 litre = 1kg. In case of water, the measuring accuracy should be within 1%.

For mineral admixtures same accuracy as that required for cement.For chemical admixtures same accuracy as that required for water. Mineral admixtures accuracy is same as that of cement because it is used as partial replacement of cement. As chemical admixtures are liquid or added to water therefore its accuracy is same as that of water.